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Bacteria Resistant Bed Sheets- Bamboo Bedding by BedVoyage

Bacteria Resistant Bed Sheets- Bamboo Bedding by BedVoyage

To protect your family naturally during this time of concern over the Coronavirus, there are many things that you can do to stay healthy and safeguard your loved ones. Some of these are to practice stringent hygiene, get a good night’s rest, and sleep on Bacteria Resistant Bed Sheets. Also, eat quality natural foods, take high-quality supplements and stay away from crowded places. These things will boost your immune system, and create a safety net against falling ill from the virus.

Practicing Extra Hygiene:

Doctors and health care professionals advise that you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Standard practice of good hand washing is to wet your hands, apply the soap, turn off the water (conserving water!).  Sing the Happy Birthday song twice while you suds your hands, front and back and thumbs, rinse well and dry. If your hands get dry from all the washing, simply keep some moisturizing hand lotion with you.

  • Wash your hands often or use hand-sanitizer with 60% alcohol
  • Cough into a tissue or your elbow (not your hand) and dispose of the tissue
  • Try not to touch your eyes, nose, mouth or ears with unwashed hands
  • Avoid contact with people whom appear sick, and stay home when you are sick
  • Limit shaking hands at this time, just like you do when you have a cold
  • If you can hold your breath for 10 seconds, and exhale with no issues, you have clear lungs
  • Recipe to make your own hand sanitizer: 2/3 cup 60-99% rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) 1/3 cup aloe vera gel, 8 to 10 drops essential oil (optional) of Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary, Oregano and Tea Tree Oil are great options. Simply mix all ingredients and pour into a spray bottle container, spray hands as needed. Nothing could be easier!
  • Sleep on Bacteria Resistant Bed Sheets

Kitchen and Bathroom Tips:

Practicing good hygiene in regards to your kitchen and bathroom counter tops is important too. Things used frequently and put down on random surfaces, such as cell phones, travel mugs, purse, wallet, backpack etc. can pick up a LOT of germs!  Try to limit placing your purse on the floor of a restaurant, bus, taxi, and checkout counters, this will limit the amount of germs brought home. Likewise for cell phones, mugs and books. Thinking about how many places you ‘put’ the belongings that travel with you during the day. It may not have been a priority before, but it’s a good practice to wipe them down with a Clorox wipe or spray with Lysol.

Tips for entering your home:

During this time of heightened awareness, a good rule of thumb for entering your home is: take your shoes off at the door, wash your hands, then wipe or spray the items you brought with you. You can also wipe the entrance and exit door handles of your front door, bathroom and bedroom doors, as well as the light switch and toilet handles. Oh, and don’t forget the well-used remote control, iPads and devices!

Get a Good Night’s Sleep:

Sleep is one of the amazing things for curing many ailments. Our bodies rest, detox, de-stress and rejuvenate while we sleep. Getting a good 7-9 hours of sound sleep per night is critical for healing and optimally functioning throughout the day. That awful feeling of dragging your bum through the day when you’ve had little sleep makes you wish for bedtime to get over it! All kinds of good things happen when you sleep; your metabolism resets, inflammation is reduced, your memory is improved. You can more easily lose weight, reduce the risk of depression, and your body repairs itself.  Sleep on bacteria resistant bed sheets for extra protection. Check out this article from The Sleep Report for more tips! Another worthy article to read is available here!

100% Bamboo Fabric Exhibits 99.8% Antibacterial Kill Rate:

BAMBOO BED SHEETS: Sleep safer on bacteria-resistant 100% Bamboo Sheets from BedVoyage. There are many natural benefits to sleeping on bamboo bedding, besides the fact that they are jaw-droppingly soft! It is widely known that bamboo fibers are naturally resistant to bacteria, which is called Bamboo Zhukun. This means they’re ‘naturally pest repellent’. Its why socks, pajamas and gym clothes are made with bamboo, they repel bacteria. Similarly, bamboo wood cutting boards are excellent for their ability to kill bacteria during food preparation. Many studies have been done proving that bamboo fibers kill bacteria, some are noted below.

Studies that Review Bacteria Resistant Qualities:

A quantitative antibacterial capability test was performed by the China Industrial Testing Center (CTITC) in July of 2003. 100% percent Bamboo Fabric was tested over a 24-hour incubation period with the bacterial strain type Staphylococcus aureous. After the 24-hour period the numbers of live bacteria were counted in each sample, and the results showed that 100% bamboo fabric exhibits 99.8% antibacterial kill rate. A separate test was done with 50 individuals suffering from athlete’s foot, which causes burning, itching and blisters. All 50 subjects reported the disappearance of painful symptoms within just 1-2 days. Within 2-6 days all sores disappeared, and nobody suffered any adverse reactions.

Studies by the Japan Textile Inspection Association (JTIA) revealed long-term antibacterial efficacy of bamboo fabric. The quantitative test method JISL 1902 was performed using 100% bamboo fabric that had been washed industrially 50 times. Incubation over a 24-hour period with bacterial strain type MRSA Staphylococcus IID 1677 was followed by a count of live bacteria on each sample. Results showed that bamboo fabric showed antibacterial efficacy (greater than) 70% after 50 industrial washings. (Results obtained from Shanghai Tenbro Bamboo Textile LtD)

Bacteria Resistant Bed Sheets:

  • Bamboo fibers have micro gaps and holes that allow heat to escape, which makes them thermal regulating and they adjust to the sleeper’s needs. If one person in the bed is hot; the fibers sense this and release the heat. If the other person is cold, the fibers also sense that and keep their warmth in. Two people can sleep side by side and both be comfortable, which is a truly amazing attribute.
  • Bamboo Sheets are also hypoallergenic, so people who suffer from any skin sensitivities are comforted by bamboo. Eczema, psoriasis and acne can cause discomfort when sleeping on rougher fabrics, but bamboo fibers are so smooth and round that they won’t irritate tender skin.
  • They are also odor resistant as bacteria does not grow on bamboo, so your bed sheets will stay fresh longer. Those that suffer from hot flashes or night sweats will thoroughly enjoy sleeping on bamboo sheets. They wick and absorb moisture 3 times faster than cotton, so you sleep drier and more comfortably.

Eat Quality Natural Foods:

Have you heard the saying ‘Buy only food from the outside ring of the store, and you’ll remain healthy’? It means that all of the processed foods are on the shelves in the middle of the store. The vegetables, fruits, meats and dairy are on the outer walls. Not everyone is an accomplished cook, nor has the time to prepare fresh meals. But if you can try your best to eat the fresh foods (not processed foods in jars, boxes or cans) from the store, then there’s a much better chance that you’ll remain healthy. Weight loss is a nice side-effect of eating healthy, and have less need for medications.

What are some of the best foods to eat? Another rule of thumb: the darker the natural food, the more vitamins and anti-oxidants it has in it. For instance some colorful (and tasty!) fresh veggies, fruits and legumes are:

  • beets, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, spinach, kale, cilantro and red peppers
  • pomegranates, raspberries, blueberries and tomatoes
  • kidney beans, sweet potatoes and yams

Where to Find Good Recipes:

There are literally thousands of recipes that be found online in which you simply type in the ingredients you want to use. You’ll find countless options for meal preparations. If you’ve never had homemade salty and crispy Kale Chips vs processed potato chips, you don’t know what you’re missing! Soups made at home can be chock-full of great ingredients, with no processed sugars and preservatives, unlike canned soups.

High Quality and Natural Herbs and Supplements That Boost Your Immune System:

Anything you can do to safeguard your immune system during Covid19 is highly recommended. Its especially important for those that are most at risk: the elderly, and people with pre-existing health issues or compromised immune systems. At this time, children don’t seem to be as affected, but it’s unknown if that could change. It would be best to boost the immune system of everyone in the family. Some natural herbs, anti-virals and products that can boost your immune systems are noted below.

Products for Health:

  • C60evo oils can boost your immune system.
  • Organic Oregano oil is a natural anti-viral
  • Osha Root Tincture can keep your lungs clear
  • Alliderm is a natural topical disinfectant for hand sanitizing
  • Sodium Ascorbate is a potent Vitamin C for cell health
  • 02Armor is a nose filter to protect your lungs from allergens and pathogens
  • Allicin-C is an anti-viral to fight infections and virus
  • MMS, is an amazingly powerful compound, known as the Miracle Mineral Supplement
  • Spirulina has profound anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Nutraceuticals have potential for boosting the type 1 interferon response to RNA viruses
  • Vitamin D is one of the most widely recognized supplements to keep illness away.

Stay Away from Crowded Places and Events:

The more contact you have with people that are sick, the more possibility of contracting any illness they have. Its customary to turn away when someone sneezes in a public place, or to use your sleeve or arm to open doors. This is much more important during Covid19.  At this point its not clear if it has community spread or is airborne. This means that any airborne particles from a sick person can get into your eyes, nose or mouth even when you think you’re being careful and avoiding sick people.

One way to remain less at-risk is to avoid crowded places, extremely limit or simply don’t attend events or ride public transportation. If you can limit your exposure to people who are either ill themselves or unknowingly have been exposed to someone ill, the safer you will be. Many companies are cancelling conferences, charity events, and sales-related travel. If you can Skype, Zoom or just have a good old-fashioned phone call with clients and customers, its best to do so. You can follow CDC guidelines for travelers, if needed.

Airlines and Cruise Lines:

Most airlines and cruises are allowing customers to cancel their booking and allowing credit until the end of 2021, so they can take their trip at a safer time. I don’t think we envy those people stuck on quarantined cruise ships, so its better not to put yourself in that situation? Dining in at home is safer than dining out, as you can’t tell if anyone who’s ill has been to that restaurant recently. As well, we don’t know the person preparing the food or handling the silverware. This is a tough time on the hospitality industry, and its going to take some time to get through. We’ll need our economy to recover, and remain hopeful that it will happen soon!

So for now, just be safe and prepared until things normalize.

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