Bacteria Resistant Bamboo Sheets and Towels – Why Are They Healthier For You?
People with skin sensitivities, autoimmune disorders, or allergic reactions may rest easier on bamboo sheets. Bamboo linens are not only resistant to bacteria but are also hypoallergenic. They can help keep allergies at bay. People with compromised immune systems can pay attention to what is in their bedding. it will help reduce symptoms and reactions. BedVoyage would like to address this issue by discussing what we do, and don’t, use in the creation of our bacteria resistant bamboo sheets and towels.
Sleeping in a healthier bedding environment is one way to create safety from germs and bacteria. Your choice of fabric content for your mattress, pillows, sheets, and comforter affects how well you sleep. And how safely and healthy you sleep. Likewise, the towels that you use and reuse can be a harbinger of germs. But not so with bamboo linens!
BedVoyage manufactures our bacteria-resistant Bamboo sheets and Towels from 100% Viscose Rayon from Bamboo. We have the Oeko-Tex Made In Green certification. This certifications states that our textiles have been tested ‘safe for babies’. We use Reactive Dyes which are more eco-friendly, color-fast and reduces dye-laden water runoff in the laundry.
Bamboo is Naturally Resistant to Bacteria:
One of the great properties of bamboo is that it’s naturally resistant to bacteria, and requires no pesticides during growth. The Journal of Textile Institute Study on Antibacterial Properties of Bamboo has issued results to their study. After an extensive testing process, they state that “the average number of E. coli colonies that formed after contact with the regenerated bamboo fabric was 56. Yet the number that formed on cotton was 164 colonies. This denoted an increase in the number of colonies after contact with cotton (ie; it had no antibacterial effect) and a reduction of 56.6% in the case of regenerated bamboo and viscose rayon fabrics.” Bamboo fabrics, the study shows, are less likely to allow bacteria to live and thrive, than cotton fabrics. Sleep safer and bathe healthier with bacteria resistant bamboo sheets and towels.
Why Does the Cotton Industry Use Formaldehyde on Bed Sheets?
Another attribute you may appreciate: BedVoyage linens are not coated with formaldehyde. This is what the cotton industry uses to create wrinkle-resistant bedding. We think you’ll prefer a little wrinkle any day vs sleeping on highly toxic chemicals. Unfortunately, the use of formaldehyde and other chemicals doesn’t have to be disclosed anywhere on the product label. Its a bit scary to learn that the government is not required to regulate formaldehyde levels in bedding. There’s no mandate to disclose to consumers when formaldehyde is used. From an article by Mom Detective: “Most wrinkle-free or wrinkle resistant sheets are “finished” with a chemical process to keep them from wrinkling. That chemical process generally includes the use of formaldehyde.
Formaldehyde is predominantly used as an embalming fluid as a way to preserve something. Remember the formaldehyde smell from high school biology used to preserve frogs? It’s also used to make clothing wrinkle-free and stain resistant by either soaking the fabric in formaldehyde, or exposing the fabric to formaldehyde gases. Then its baked at 300 degrees Fahrenheit, this process prevents the fibers in the fabric from wrinkling after being washed.
Bamboo Sheets and Towels are More Eco-Friendly in the Growing, Harvesting and Production than Cotton Sheets and Towels:
Bacteria Resistant Bamboo Sheets and Towels: wrote an article describing the difference in cotton vs bamboo fibers. They noted “Bamboo viscose is an eco-friendly solution to cotton for a number of reasons. However, it’s important to note that virtually no fabric is eco-friendly to produce, including bamboo viscose. The difference comes down to how much less harmful is producing one fabric over the other, with cotton being a top perpetrator for being the least eco-friendly.
Unlike bamboo, cotton requires a heavy amount of pesticide and insecticides to grow, as cotton is always being threatened by damaging weeds, insects, and other pests. This heavy use of harmful chemicals leads directly to chemical runoff into our planet’s waterways, leading to pollution. Bamboo requires zero of these chemicals since it’s naturally antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial.
Cotton also requires a heavy dose of synthetic fertilizers due to it being in high-demand and having to produce a lot of it in a short period of time. This is just another chemical that’s doused over cotton which is not required when growing bamboo.
Another unfortunate outcome of cotton over bamboo is that it requires heavy irrigation, which means water is often diverted from one place to another. This not only changes the structural integrity of the soil where the water used to be, but it also takes away a natural resource from another location, like a town or a city. Bamboo doesn’t need as much water as cotton to grow, which is why bamboo viscose is a great alternative to cotton.”
Flame Retardant Chemicals are Used in Mattresses and some bed sheets, But NOT in BedVoyage Bedding:
Our linens are also not coated with flame-retardant chemicals, although this toxin is often used in many mattresses and is called Antimony Trioxide. It’s a chemical that is labeled toxic by the EPA and from an article posted by Natural News is noted as ‘commonly sprayed in fabric and fillings in furniture’. Its associated with a 74% increase in thyroid cancer rates in the U.K. during the last 10 years, a study revealed. An analysis of dust samples from the homes of 140 participants was done. It showed that people who had high exposure to the flame-retardant BDE-209 were twice more likely to develop thyroid cancer compared with those who had lower exposure. Data also showed that participants exposed to high levels of TCEP had a fourfold increased-odds of developing larger, more aggressive tumors.’
Covid, How to Stay Healthy and Prevent Infection:
The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, there are everyday preventative actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.
Steps you can take for better health:
- Wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizers, as needed.
- Take natural supplements such as D3, C, Zinc, Quercetin, Nattokinase, NAC and other immune-boosters.
- Get out in the sun, and let natural Vitamin D do its work.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Wipe down counters, cell phones, light switches and door knobs with Clorox wipes, as needed.
- Stay home when you’re sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Wear disposable gloves when filling your tank with gas, or having to use public restrooms.
- C60 can help improve your immune system.
- Bacteria Resistant Bamboo Sheets and Towels can help you sleep and bathe healthier.
These are everyday habits that can help prevent the spread of several viruses. CDC does have specific guidance for travelers.